AmigaOS3.5 (718/967)

From:Michael Bourne
Date:22 May 2000 at 14:10:47
Subject:Re: Boot problem


> A1200 T with RBM OnBoard, Blizzard 1260 with SCSI kit, IDEFix
> express 4 way adaptor with 10 Gig HD (master) and CD-ROM (slave)
> on port 1, 400 MB HD on port 2(used for Diavolo Backup)

Not certain that AOS3.5 fully supports a 4-way IDE adaptor.
Acording to the official FAQ it didn't. See:

see also:

> PFS 3 directscsi version on 10 Gig HD
> IDEFix in startup-sequence.
> Boingbag 1 installed, of course.
> Some other things like Cybervision 64/3D, IOBlix with Ethernet...

> Problem 1:
> I can't boot directly. My computer boots, resets (from setpatch),
> then hangs until I reset manually, then starts fine.

Normal with many accelerators on a software reboot. I have to give
mine a help with the 3 fingered salute. It a hardware isue AFAIK.
Reset pulse too fast for the mainboard circuits.

>Problem 2:
> I can't use Shapeshifter any more. When I activate PrepareEmul, I
> can't get things to work at all.

Issue it later after the initial boot. Then reboot. The usual

> I have tried renaming the ROM Update etc. I hve tried several
> different settings, different orders of the patches, etc.

> So now:
> How can I get my miggy to boot instantly?

The new OS does after cold boot. After loading the ROM Updates.

> How can I use PrepareEmul and Setpatch at the same time?
> Which order do the patches have to have?

Use prepareEmul later... works for me here.

> This is how the beginning of my s-s looks like ATM:

I haven't an A1200 nor do I use IDEfix so I can't help much there.

> _________________________________________
> C:SetPatch skipromupdates scsi.device quiet
> ;wait 2 secs
> ;c:Macmem
> ;c:PrepareEmul A1200
> ;wait 2 secs
> ;c:loadide start quiet
> ; You may want to exchange the following line with LoadIDE
> reset quiet
> ; to make IDEfix reset resident, or LoadIDE start quiet
> ; to start IDEfix immediately and have it reset resident
> ; from the next reboot. Make sure to put LoadIDE behind any
> Kickstart mappers!
> C:IDEfix
> ;END IDEfix
> _________________________________________


Michael Bourne <>